
Beauty of concrete

My latest passion is concrete - concrete floors, concrete walls, concrete bench tops, concrete sinks and concrete stairs. These possibilities mean that concrete is no longer just for the outdoors or hidden behind plasterboard on your walls.

For me, the look works best when combined with other materials such as natural timber, ply or steel.  The juxtaposition of the raw, industrial concrete aesthetic against the warm, organic vibe of wood is so beautiful - that's difficult to match.  

The techniques and treatments used in today’s concrete have come a long way. Everyone has heard about or seen concrete countertops, and concrete sinks are becoming commonplace. But there are so many more ways in which concrete can be used in your home that won’t leave you with that cold feeling. Concrete interiors can be combined with textured soft furnishings, rugs and artwork to give it a beautiful look and create a warm and inviting space.

I love how the versatile material of concrete can be cast in unexpected and unusual ways to create almost any shape and item. And lately I’m seeing more and more home accessories made of concrete which are great to add a little bit of an industrial look to your interior.

Auhaus Architects & Interiors Photography: Derek Swalwell

Auhaus Architects & Interiors Photography: Derek Swalwell

Auhaus Architects & Interiors Photography: Derek Swalwell

Auhaus Architects & Interiors Photography: Derek Swalwell